Tuesday 27 November 2012

Disapointing Graphics

In this blog I will be writing about a game that its graphics kind of spoil the gameplay and then comparing it to a game that its graphics are really good visuals which help towards the gameplay. So first off the game that the graphics aren't as good as the game itself is Doom 3. I chose this game because of the fact that whilst playing through this game it was really intense, the lighting was perfect for such a spooky game, but when it came down to fighting monsters and zombies they really didn't look as amazing as the gameplay was, don't get me wrong Doom 3 is a fantastic game, but the graphics just let it down. You could improve this but obviously improving the graphics so that it compliments how good the game actually is, improve the graphics just until it looks fairly realistic.

Now I will be writing about a game that its graphic really do compliment the game and make the whole game more enjoyable. The game that I've chosen is Enslaved; Odyssey to the West. Reasons for choosing this game are because as you can see from the picture to the right the graphics are really amazing and the gameplay benefits from this, it does this because of the visuals display broken buildings, cliffs and other aspects which your character has to grapple over most of them in order to progress to the next part of the game.

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