Tuesday 9 October 2012

Single Player Experience

This part of my blog I will be writing about games that have a good single player experience and compare it to a game that has a not so good single player experience. Right for the game that I think has an excellent single player experience which is Heavy Rain which is only available for the PS3. the main reasons that I have chosen this game ahead of other is because of the story within the single player side. The story in this game was very gripping, I played it and was so hooked on the story that I didn't realise I had been playing it the whole week, obviously I slept and ate, but when I had any spare time I was on that game playing as much as I could and that's how addicting this game is. Another reason for this game's single player experience being so good is for the fact that when you're playing you develop this emotional attachment to certain characters for example one of the lead characters, Ethan. When playing as Ethan you experience his whole world falling apart after his son goes kidnapped by the origami killer, then you focus on what it does to his relationship with his wife as they split up because of this. And finally the other reason I chose this game was because this game is so influential with choice making for example near the end of the game you get a massive choice in finding your son, making the wrong choice could determine whether your son lives or dies, so this game can be very gripping at times and at the very end of the game you will be very surprised when you find out who the killer really is, I know I was..

Now for the game that not personally is a bad single player experience, but has a fair few bad reviews about the single player campaign. This game is Fable 3. I have chosen this game purely for the fact that it's had so many bad reviews about its single player Experience. There are a few reasons why this game had so many bad reviews, but I'll just use 3 reasons instead of the many that can be found on the internet. Right the first reason why this game's single player experience was bad is because traditionally is the Fable series you would start as a poor boy or girl and then something happens to you which makes want to change for example in the original Fable your village was burned to the ground and your mother and father were slaughtered by bandits, this would lead the player into avenge your mother and fathers death but you find a few surprises in the game. Another reason would be that the campaign in Fable 3 was very short, you could finish it in about a few days if you really wanted to, halfway through the game you become king and have to make tough decisions regarding the safety of your people from an ultimate evil. Finally the final reason is that Fable 3 was one of the most anticipated games of that year, the as soon as players played it they uncovered all the faults with it such as what I've said above about starting as a child and the the story was very short.

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