Tuesday 10 September 2013

What is Concept Art

Concept Art is a form of illustration where the objective is to portray a
visual representation of an idea or design. This could be used in films, video games, animation or comic books before it is then used to create the final finished piece.

Concept Art can be used to illustrate an idea or ideas for other people to then work off of, Concept Artists would be hired out to be involved in creating ideas for environments, characters, buildings, anything really that would help other artists to then have something to work from. The Concept Artists would draw out a first draft of what they think something would look like such as characters or equipment like weapons or items. If companies didn't have Concept Artists working on ideas and templates then it would prove very difficult for other artists, they would then have to go off of just text description of what someone wants in their project, with so many other artists all working on something which hasn't been properly visually created for them then they would all have their own different ideas and own concepts on what the creation would look like as a finished project, all their styles together would probably not mesh together properly

Being a Concept Artist entails a lot of responsibilities, some could be being employed to work in big studios where they might employ many other concept artists that will work with each other on specific parts for example they would work on a fantasy creature, a main character or even items. Concept Artists may use computer program such as the basic Painter or more professional a Photoshop software. Once the Concept Artists get the go ahead from the Production Designer, the drawings and creations they produce get presented to a Producer or Director if they're working as part of a film. The main objective though for a Concept Artist is to produce some illustrations which are quite accurate and clear, but also have o be striking, sometimes the Concept Artists might even change their ideas or illustrations throughout because they might require some form of change.

The key skills that a Concept Artist would need to have are:

  • Excellent illustration skills.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Ability to visualise 3 dimensional perspective space.
  • A keen interest in design that includes architecture and film.
  • Ability to visually interpret other people's ideas.
  • Ability to be flexible and be able to adapt to change on demand or request.
  • Ability to work as part of an effective team.
  • Knowledge of the requirements of the Health & Safety legislation and procedures.

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